Open House Scavenger Hunt

I have put many hours into making my classroom look beautiful and function at its highest efficiency – and I want people to see it! Especially students and parents.

For this year’s Back-to-School-Night, I will not be giving a presentation. Instead, I will open my classroom up for parents and students to discover.

Here is the scavenger hunt I created to welcome parents and students into my class and encourage them to snoop!
Editable version: btsn scavenger hunt
PDF version: btsn scavenger hunt

While they are doing that, I will have a chance to greet parents and students, form connections, all while modeling my active participation strategies. Note: this may seem elementary, but I am using it with high school and I’m confident it will still work.

4 thoughts on “Open House Scavenger Hunt

  1. THIS. IS. BRILLIANT!! Love the whole idea of a fun, interactive way for parents to learn your policies and classroom set up. Seriously considering stealing this idea…gracias!!


    1. Thank you, Andrea!! Now that I teach high school, there weren’t as many parents in my room as last year. I saw another teacher mention that they give students a free quiz pass if their parents do the scavenger hunt! I might do something like that, like a homework pass or instant 10 points for the syllabus homework, to give parents and students an incentive to do the hunt!


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